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Happiness In The Workplace

Alison Ford

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

I’m no kid. I am in my 50s. I have been in the workforce for more than 35 years. I have worked for many organizations, both large and small. I can tell you unequivocally that working for The LMC Group is the best work experience of my life. At my age with my work experience, that’s a monumental statement.

The model of the company is typical in this technological age in that the entire staff works remotely. I had never worked 100% remotely at any job before and I was actually a little . . . well, concerned about it. Would I miss the companionship of working in an office with a team? Would I stay motivated? On task? Energized? As it turns out, this model works well for everyone on the team, including myself. The flexibility of being able to work in any location, during any hours we want serves us well.

Some of us are early birds and some are night owls. Some of us prefer regular 9-5 hours, while others like to work a less structured schedule. We have moms with kids to care for, ever-changing school and schedules, dinners to cook, and obligations. The flexibility of the model certainly works.

Although we work independently, there is a strong camaraderie within the group which provides motivation and energizes me daily. We all support and encourage each other to success. We have regular staff meetings via teleconference and our own Facebook group page where we cheer each other on and engage in some silliness. We meet for dinner with staff members who live close, and we have an annual company retreat for the entire company to spend a few days together bonding and learning new skills. I have never worked for a company that truly emphasizes fun and team building as its foundation. Both of these qualities are the essence of our team.

Don’t get me wrong: we all work hard and all contribute to the success of the company, but it’s the team spirit that makes us all want to strive to work hard to see the company, each other, and ourselves succeed. We all recognize that it’s a privilege to be part of this growing, successful organization. We are energized by the successes and growth that we regularly experience as the company ever evolves.

We place a tremendous emphasis on ideals that stretch far beyond the simplicity of work/life balance. The LMC Group leaders and employees understand the importance of giving back to others and also giving back to oneself. An employee who take cares of his or herself will naturally be more productive. Not feeling well? Take time off, rest, rejuvenate, care for yourself to be the best you can be.

Taking time when you’re not well is part of the health commitment. We are also encouraged to be healthy: eat healthy, drink water, get out and move, enjoy the sunshine. Be the best you you can be, and then you’ll be the best employee you can be.

The LMC Group’s members regularly participate in company initiatives concerning health, including contests. For the month of March 2017, the contest was focused on exercise and water intake. It’s a great way to encourage health and also have a little healthy competition! After all, there’s a prize for the winner!

As part of living well, The LMC Group is also a strong advocate of giving back to the community and the world. The members of our team have walked in many 5K events for a myriad of charitable causes and have participated in other various fundraisers. Giving back to the world is as important as the hard work and healthy living and is continually encouraged as part of the culture of the company. It’s amazing how good you feel when you do something to give back to others. It’s truly transformative.

The LMC Group even goes so far as to work exclusively with companies who mirror the same values that we personify. The integrity of our company is reflected in that of our clients. I recently attended lunch with a brand new employee who is young, energetic, and excited for the what’s ahead in his career, and I said, “You realize that you’re now a part of the best team in the world, don’t you?” He responded enthusiastically: “I absolutely do!” That spoke volumes to me, to say the least. The fact that he recognized after a few days how lucky he is to be part of this organization is epic. Just like my company: small but epic and headed for greatness of epic proportions.

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